Tips for Keeping Your Pet Safe This Summer


While summertime means a lot of time playing outside, it also brings on many dangers to your pet. With the high temperatures, you want to make sure your furry friend stays cool and healthy this summer. Follow these tips to ensure a great summer with your pet!


1. Fill up a wading pool for your pet.
Whether in a swimming pool or a lake/river, your pet may feel uncomfortable in the deep water. Give them a child’s wading pool instead to get their splash on. Fill the pool with a few inches of water, toss in some waterproof or water toys, and let your pet jump in. They’ll have a great time splashing around as they try to catch their floating toys, and they’ll stay cool at the same time, all without you worrying about chlorine or deep water.


2. Beware of Fire.
From cookouts to campfires, hot stuff is dangerous! Pets are curious and will investigate the grill or fire pit. Going in for a closer look may mean singed fur and burned skin. Plus, sparks and ashes can float up and land in the eye causing pain and injury. Even after the fire goes out, hot ashes and coals will burn paws if your dog or cat walks through the fire site. Keep your pet away from open flame and hot grills and douse all campfires thoroughly when done.


3. Be Alert For Signs of Dehydration in Your Pet.
If your pet experiences any of these symptoms, they are in need of rehydration:
-Panting heavily
-Dry gums and nose
-Sunken eyes
-Thick saliva
If your pet’s symptoms are not improving or you have any concerns, please contact the clinic.


4: Corn Cobs.
Summer cookouts mean fresh corn on the cob. Instead of nibbling the kernels, pets often gulp the whole cob. Corn kernels are fairly digestible, but corn cobs are not and can get stuck in the stomach or intestinal tract causing a serious obstruction. Often, the only way to relieve the obstruction is to surgically remove the corn cob. If the intestines are damaged, sections of the GI tract may have to be removed as well. If your pet swallows any portion of a corn cob, he may vomit, strain to defecate, or experience abdominal pain. Take him to your veterinarian immediately because quick medical attention may prevent GI damage.


5. Freeze “pup-sicles” for your pet.
Ice cream is a fantastic way to cool off on a hot day, and, while your pet can’t share your chocolate sundae with you, they can have their own special “pup-sicles.” Create frozen treats for your pet from their canned food, yogurt, broth, peanut butter, or a combination of their favorite snacks. Freeze the concoction in a rubber Kong, or use a silicone ice cube tray for smaller treat portions.


6: Pitted Fruit.
Yum! A juicy peach on a hot summer day! Pets may want to munch on a peach, too. But, oops… swallowing the pit is a problem! Fruits like cherries, nectarines, and peaches are called stone fruits. It’s important for pet owners to remove the “stones” before offering the fruit to their fur babies. It is also important to make sure discarded pits are disposed of so that pets can’t find and eat them. Hard pits can fracture teeth, cause choking, or obstruct the GI tract. And pits with rough edges can injure the esophagus as they are swallowed resulting in esophageal ulcers or tears. After swallowing a pit, your dog may gag, drool, vomit, have difficulty passing stool, or experience abdominal pain. If you note any of these signs or if you witness your dog eating a pit, please contact the vet clinic immediately. Also, the pit contains a small amount of cyanide. Fortunately, pits are so hard that pets don’t usually chew down to the core where the poison lies. Cyanide poisoning from stone fruits is rare, but pets can still become ill after ingesting just a tiny amount. They may salivate, have difficulty breathing, or convulse. Cyanide toxicity in any amount is an emergency. Call your veterinarian right away if you are concerned that your pet chewed up a pit.


Summer is a fun season full of activities you can do with your pet! We hope you can use these tips to keep your furry pal happy and healthy this summer!