Frequently Asked Questions

There is no question too big or too small for our veterinary team. We have answers to some of our most common questions.

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Do you see exotic pets?

Although we are not exotic specialists, some of our veterinarians do have experience with rabbits, guinea pigs, rodents, and birds. Please call or email the clinic to inquire about an appointment for your exotic pet.

Are you open on the weekends?

We are open on Saturdays from 9 am-2 pm and are closed on Sundays.

Do you offer payment plans?

We do not offer payment plans at Arrowhead Veterinary Centre. Payment is due at the time of service. We do work with the financing company PetCard which can provide assistance with financing veterinary costs.

Are you part of a corporate practice or hospital group?

No. Arrowhead Veterinary Centre is an independent, locally owned and operated family practice.

What if I have an emergency?

If you have an emergency involving your pet during clinic business hours, please call the clinic at 403-932-2370 to talk with one of our highly trained staff. They will help you determine the best course of action for your pet. If the emergency occurs outside of business hours, please call one of our emergency clinics.

My pet can be very nervous or even aggressive. What should I do when bringing them to the clinic?

At Arrowhead Veterinary Centre, we understand that trips to the vet can be very stressful for some pets. Please call the clinic ahead of time if you have any concerns. We can discuss your specific situation and make a plan that works best for your pet.

How much will it cost to spay or neuter my pet?

The cost of spaying or neutering varies with the size and age of your pet. Please call or email the clinic with your pet’s specific details and our reception staff will give you a detailed estimate.

How can I request a prescription?

If you require a refill of your pet’s medication, you can call the clinic at 403-932-2370 and press option 2. Then leave a message with your name, phone number, pet’s name, and the details of the medication you need. Please note that we require our patients to stay current on their annual consultations in order to continue to receive their medication refills.

How do I create a Client Portal to see my pets information?
Our new Client Portal will allow you to easily access your pet’s information, request appointments, request prescriptions, send patient updated information and communicate with our team.

To create your account, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Vet Hero Client Portal link: https://pp.thevethero.com/arrowhead-veterinary-centre/login. We also have the portal link on our website.
  2. Click on “Register here.”
  3. Enter your last name and email address. This must be the same as the information on your account at Arrowhead Veterinary Centre.
  4. Fill in your additional information.
  5. You now have access to your pet’s information.